6 to 12 Months - Baby Growth & Development | Kids Clinic Singapore
Dr Chua: 21 - 22 Feb

Dr Oh: 5 - 11 Mar

Dr Wendy: 11 - 14 Mar

Dr Heng: 24 - 29 Mar

(Last updated: 17 Feb)

Baby Growth & Development Part 2 (6-12 Months)

Contributed by: Kids Clinic

Introducing Solid Foods

Feeding A Baby Blended Food
At this stage, your baby will progress from a milk-only diet to one that also includes solid foods. When starting your baby on solid foods, establish a timetable for breakfast, lunch and dinner timings so your child can get used to it. You can begin weaning your baby with plain rice cereal or porridge blended with mashed or pureed vegetables. Avoid adding sugar, salt and seasoning to the food. Read more on Weaning Your Baby Onto Solids. Recommended number of daily servings for infants 6-12 months:
Food Groups Recommended Number of Daily Servings
Brown Rice & Wholemeal Bread
Meat & Others (including Dairy & Calcium-Rich foods)
2 & 1.5

Source: Health Promotion Board

Childhood Allergies

While allergies can occur throughout one’s lifetime, they usually appear during the baby’s first year and are outgrown by adolescence.

Common allergic conditions include rhinitis, asthmaeczema, hives, and food allergies. Most allergic reactions include the appearance of dry, itchy or red patches, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. While most reactions are mild and temporary, severe allergies can be life-threatening or fatal if medical attention is not immediately sought.

Allergic reactions may be triggered by allergens found around the house such as pollen, dust or pet fur. Common food allergens include eggs, cow’s milk, peanuts, shellfish, stone fruits and grains.

Although there is no cure for allergies, it is important to identify the allergens and manage your child’s allergic symptoms. Your paediatrician can conduct a skin prick test to identify your baby’s allergen and provide medication to help reduce the symptoms.

Playtime with Baby

At this stage, your baby becomes increasingly active and playtime is important for his or her motor and cognitive development. Take care to child-proof your home so your child can explore his surroundings in a safe environment.

0-6 Months

Let your baby continue spending time on his stomach as this helps strengthen neck and back muscles, as well as improve both upper and lower body coordination. You can try pulling your baby up to a stand from a sitting position and let him bounce a few times before lowering him.

9-12 Months

As your baby gains strength in his legs, encourage him by gradually pulling him to a standing position. Allow your baby to stand or walk while holding onto furniture. Some simple ways to engage your baby include:
  • Peek-a-boo: Play peek-a-boo using your baby’s hands, your hands or a blanket. Babies enjoy an element of surprise
  • Singing and talking: Try singing nursery rhymes and reciting poetry to your baby. Include movements such as clapping your hands, moving his hands, rocking gently or swaying.
  • Dancing: Play some music, and dance while holding your baby close to your chest.

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